Sunday, September 08, 2013

A New Mexican Octoberfest

While shopping at the grocery store today, I decided that I would try several of the various Octoberfest beers on the shelves.

An Octoberfest beer, or Marzen (because they are brewed in March), was a beer brewed in the spring then held until the Fall.  It's a copper-colored beer.  According to Beer Advocate, "Märzenbier is full-bodied, rich, toasty, typically dark copper in color with a medium to high alcohol content."

The first Octoberfest I tried was Santa Fe Brewing Company's Oktoberfest. 

It's a good beer.  According to the brewery's page, it has about 6% alcohol, and is both malty and just a tad hoppy...but the hops are not too strong.  Click here for the Santa Fe Brewery's description.

You might think that because it's a medium-colored beer it might be a heavy-tasting beer, but Oktoberfest is surprisingly light in flavor. It has a clean smell, as a lager should...a bit malty, with some of the hops and alcohol shining through, but not overwhelming at all.

It had a good clean taste, and was very enjoyable. Although I only bought one...I'm already ready for another.

I think this was the first of Santa Fe's offerings that I've tried, and I'm glad I did.

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